Gardening and environmental care
We also take care of gardening and environmental maintenance. These activities are not only environmentally conscious, but also aesthetically pleasing for a facility where the appearance of a green and clean park is important.
Exterior and interior cleaning of large office buildings, schools, commercial facilities, industrial sites, cultural facilities, spas, swimming pools, condominiums.
Dustless Blasting cleaning
Dustless blasting cleaning for dry and wet surfaces. This machine is a great help for our company’s hygiene work, as it removes dirt from surfaces efficiently and safely, and in a short time. We recommend the machine to both corporate and residential customers.
Guarding and protecting
Security of premises and grounds , Concierge and reception services , Event security
Cold mist machine disinfection
Fog machine disinfection can make a major contribution to the sterilisation of buildings, ice works and air ducts. It supports our company’s hygiene work and the health of our customers, making all rooms and spaces usable within a short time after treatment.
Please make me an offer
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* A csillaggal jelölt mezők kitöltése kötelező.
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Szolgáltatásaink a létesítménygazdálkodási piacon előkelő és magas színvonalú végeredményt biztosít az ügyfeleinknek. Célunk, hogy a partnerünk olyan ingatlannal rendelkezzen, ami nem csak esztétikus, hanem a legjobbat tudja nyújtani a dolgozóinak és a látogatóinak, mind ökobarát, mind egészségügyi értelemben.